Career & College Readiness for the 21st Century

Adams County Education Consortium:
At the center of workforce readiness
The Consortium connects academics to world-of-work applications.
The Consortium’s programs are built to expose students to the skills that are critical in today’s workplace. These skills are commonly referred to as 21st Century skills and include characteristics like: critical thinking, problem solving, media and information literacy, collaboration, and more. Connecting course work to on-site experiences with professionals gives students focus and an understanding of how 21st Century Skills impact what it takes to be successful.
Learn more about these programs

Adam County Commissioners' 8th Grade Career Expo
ACEC conducts the annual Career Expo for 5,000 Adams County 8th grade students to create student exposure to diverse career opportunities.

Apprenticeship Fair
ACEC conducts annually an Apprenticeship Fair enabling 500 Adams County high school seniors and juniors to explore skill-building training programs directly with employers.

Classroom to Career Symposium
ACEC leads yearly, the Classroom to Career Symposium at MSU where 400 Adams County high school students engage with industry professionals to gain inspiring, relevant career and social skills aligned with the CDE essential skills graduation requirements in a networking environment.

CU Denver and Adams County Healthcare Student Symposium
ACEC is co-creating with CU Denver a symposium style format for students from multiple districts to hear from undergraduate students on relevant health profession topics and spark interest in pursuing careers in the field.

Community Forum
ACEC hosts 4 Community forums yearly to highlight practices of industry professionals that enable industry, K-12, higher education, nonprofit and government agencies to dialogue and hear ideas on how to best support each other.

School Counselor Forum
ACEC is building a feedback survey and ½ day forum for all counselors and CTE instructors in Adams County to assess current needs of counselors, students, and provide opportunity for feedback on pathways and programming.

DU Mentorship Program
ACEC is facilitating a partnership between DU and one school district to facilitate near-peer relationships and engage high school students in taking steps toward post-secondary opportunities.

Pre-Apprenticeship Programs
ACEC partners with school districts to expand and enhance industry credentialling programs in construction, healthcare, IT and manufacturing, connecting students to career opportunities in the industries that are in the most demand.

Adams County Mayors' and Commissioners' Youth Awards
ACEC serves as the annual coordinator and fiscal agent for the Adams County Mayors Youth Awards, including the nomination process and ceremony.

ACEC operates as the fiscal agent and student support coordinator for the Adams County Scholarship Foundation. ACEC partners with Goodwill Youth Services to engage 120 students with continuous support for 4 to 5 years of college education including regular check-ins and resource quidance for the duration of their program of study.
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Adams County Cities
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